The word “ikat” comes from Indonesia and comes from the verb “mengikat”, which means “to tie, entwine everything around.” This is a very complex weaving technique performed exclusively by hand, which consists of reservation, i.e. tying bundles of threads for the purpose of gradually dyeing them in certain colors. Uzbek ikat is distinguished by the fact that the pattern is applied only to the warp threads, while the weft remains one color. In Uzbekistan, this technique is called abrband, which translated means a tied cloud, and the fabrics obtained in this way are called abr.

I just love this fabric, but I couldn’t find it here, so if anyone sees it, please give me a whistle, I want a tunic or dress
Our fashion designers, as far as I know, began to take this fabric seriously relatively recently,
for example Suprun

why am I…
besides, I have ICAT jewelry in my work, I’m already madly in love with it and I want clothes to match